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Google Search Console Performance report filters now stick

Written on September 30, 2024 at 9:12 pm, by admin

Google Search Console performance report filters will now stick to the last setting you left it at. The “Search Console Performance report filters are now sticky,” Google announced on social. There is also a “reset filters” button to quickly clear any of those filters.

More details. The Search Console performance reports, including the Search performance report, the Discover performance report and the News performance report will keep the filters you set across each, as you navigate from one to the next.

Also, when clicking on a row in a specific tab in the Search Console performance report, the report will automatically switch to the Queries tab. If you’re already in the Queries tab, the report will automatically switch to the Pages tab, Daniel Waisberg from Google explained.

This was supposedly a very highly requested feature.

What it looks like. Here is a screenshot of those filter buttons:

Why we care. When doing your SEO reporting, you will need to change your behavior when using Google Search Console. Now that the filters stick, you need to keep that in mind when viewing and exporting data.

This should speed things up in the long run but like any change to anything you use frequently or routinely, it may require some getting used to.

Courtesy of Search Engine Land: News & Info About SEO, PPC, SEM, Search Engines & Search Marketing

Keyword research for SEO: The ultimate guide

Written on September 30, 2024 at 9:12 pm, by admin

Keyword research for SEO- The ultimate guide

Keyword research is a cornerstone of SEO success, but many SEOs do it incorrectly. Instead of focusing on keywords that drive revenue, they only chase traffic volume.

This guide tackles a new approach to keyword research that boosts your online presence and directly contributes to your bottom line. 

By the end, you’ll understand how to transform keywords into valuable assets that drive business growth and profitability.

Why most keyword research is wrong

Before writing this article, I searched for and read several keyword research guides.

They all suffered from the same problem. They only talked about how to acquire traffic from Google and not about why.

And the “why” is the most crucial part of keyword research.

As such, this article is split into two parts.

Let’s start with the “why” behind keyword research.

Why are you doing keyword research?

The problem with keyword research is that people talk about how to do it but never talk about why you are doing it.

Most people, if asked this question, will talk about traffic.

But unless you are a publisher earning revenue from display advertising, this metric is too basic to be valuable for SEOs working for businesses that need leads, sales, profits and growth.

Others might use phrases like building brand awareness or talk about concepts like the ‘funnel’ and how they want to create top-of-mind awareness through content.

However, these are all essentially flawed and over-simplistic approaches that generally do not work or deliver value for clients.

To make life easier, I’ll explain why you are doing keyword research.

Revenue generation.

The goal of keyword research is to find keywords for which a brand can rank, leading to increased revenue.

So, for keyword research to be successful, we need to learn how revenue is earned online.

Dig deeper: Keyword research for SEO: 6 questions you must ask yourself

How brands make money from SEO: The fundamental rule of keyword research

Brands make money from SEO through leads and sales.

And here’s where SEO starts to unravel.

Traditionally, SEOs view their work as optimizing a website for all funnel stages. This is a strategic error. Here’s why.

The traditional marketing funnel looks like this:

Traditional funnel

This approach leads to using SEO to rank web pages, targeted at all stages of the funnel.

SEOs have sliced the funnel up in many ways, such as by renaming metrics as informational, commercial, etc.

However, the core goal has remained: to use SEO as an all-in-one marketing channel. 

This has resulted in websites with huge traffic numbers and brands creating content for every keyword they can think of, believing it’s all advertising.

But most web traffic is useless.

Because it targets people at the wrong time.

SEO is product placement, not advertising: A tale of how marketing works

The argument by SEOs around keyword research is that “all traffic is good traffic.”

This makes the delivery of SEO more aligned with the “publisher model.” 

SEOs will create content at scale to generate traffic and justify SEO.

This means that most SEO content is called “top of funnel.”

The argument used by SEOs is that they use SEO to create brand awareness. And through ebooks or other lead gen activities, you acquire marketing qualified leads (MQLs).

I’ve seen this justified using first-touch attribution data, where an email sign-up later becomes a customer, justifying the content.

Firstly, marketing metrics are rarely this granular. Yes, it will undoubtedly have first-touch attribution as “organic,” but so will all your organic traffic. 

This includes your service and product pages.

However, significant studies show that we do not purchase or recall brands this way.

Dig deeper: 6 vital lenses for effective keyword research

We serve busy people with busy minds

When I think about keyword research strategy, I think about this line from Byron Sharp’s book “Marketing Theory, Evidence and Practice.”

“Our marketing and brand is ignored and forgotten by most people most days.”

The reason for this is the forgetting curve.

The forgetting curve

The forgetting curve is a well-established principle in memory function.

In short, we quickly lose what we don’t use regarding new information.

To demonstrate this, I often ask clients to name the last five articles they read and videos they watched online.

Followed quickly by asking them the brand or person behind them.

The answer is almost always met with difficulty.

I then ask the clients to name ten toothpaste brands. The struggle is intense, even for something as simple as toothpaste.

We have too much going on in our heads to recall the name of every brand we encounter online. We often forget things such as PINs and loved ones’ birthdays. 

And yet, there is a romantic idea among SEOs and content marketers that the 3,000-word ultimate guide the prospects read 10 months ago. 

They somehow embedded the brand in their memory architecture to such an extent that they can recall it and themselves easily.

This logic looks like this:

“We need to get some food for our new puppy. We’ll buy it from Pooch Love online. I read their 400 names for Daschunds article six months ago. They look great; I’ll search for them.”

OK, so that’s a little tongue-in-cheek. But this is the logic behind the vast majority of SEO strategies.

The idea is that all traffic leads to brand recall.

But it doesn’t. This is why advertising exists. To build and refresh memory structures around brands.

How advertising really worksSource: Les Binet

We need to ditch the idea of using SEO to build brand awareness through top-of-funnel logic.

The articles you’re writing that are growing your traffic are forgotten minutes after being read. 

Your brand isn’t remembered and your traffic graph is meaningless.

So, what matters?

Tom Roach, VP of brand strategy at Jellyfish, wrote a compelling article about why the marketing funnel needs to change.

Modified Funnel by Tom Roach

In his modified funnel, SEO sits as a connecting function. Connecting immediate prospects with brands.

And a bit of nudging as well.

We connect brands with buyers and show up on their purchase journey.

With this as our goal, keyword research will be more focused and revenue-driven.

Now that we’ve thoroughly covered the why of keyword research, we need to dive into the how.

Your new keyword process

The standard of keyword research will always depend on the amount of time you have to conduct it. 

If you have a small retainer, the time you have to conduct keyword research will be limited.

But a good keyword research process looks like this:

The Keyword Research Process

Let’s break each section down.

Building your keyword strategy

When addressing keyword research, we must start with the premise that our brands are easily and quickly forgotten.

That’s the starting point for SEO.

And so, we come to the customer or buyer journey.

The buyer’s journey is a series of touchpoints from product awareness to purchase.

Many brands are discovered online with buyer intent keywords, which is no different from how many products are discovered in stores. We walk along physical aisles, where many brands are first discovered.

Search is the digital version of this. 

Our first search terms are often broad and straightforward.

Often referred to as head terms. These keywords are broad and are usually expensive for paid search.

These keywords are also often competitive to rank for.

You need to start your keyword strategy with the client and their budget in mind.

There is no point in building a huge keyword strategy if the client lacks the resources to rank for the terms.

Before you take another step forward, it is useful to run through a SMART analysis at the beginning of the process to build your strategy.

SMART goals framework

Much of the above can be gathered with a simple client call and a gut feeling by quickly checking some data and competitors.

The above is not designed to be perfect. It’s more of a guide as you move through the process.

We can now move to the next step.

Customer and competitor keyword research

To conduct your research into customer needs, you need data.

Some sources can include:

In-house teams will generally have access to more data and more time for the above, while agencies and freelancers will have less.

However, the aim of this initial stage is to gather as much data as possible about your buyer’s search journey.

What are they typing into search engines? What do they think when they are looking into buying what you sell?

Many keyword tools can assist with this. ChatGPT is, however, surprisingly good at giving you starting points for this information:

Throw in a simple prompt and you will gain some logical searches to consider.

Customer and competitor keyword research with ChatGPT

If we look at what a simple prompt gave me if I was looking for “in the market” keywords for people buying fish tanks.

This isn’t exhaustive, but it is designed to get you thinking about a consumer.

The good thing about ChatGPT is that you can analyze markets for ideas, keyword formulas and more.

I have deliberately not used a specific search tool in this article because there are so many with their own guides.

What matters is that you gain the data from various sources. Our aim is not to study all the keywords but to make an SEO plan.  

We are gathering as much data as possible about how our consumers might search for a brand like ours when they enter the market to buy.

Using this data, you can now map the buyer’s keyword journey.

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Mapping your buyers’ keyword journey

To build your strategy, you need to identify the customers you want to target and the search terms they use. Then, we can map our keywords against the buyer’s journey.

For example, let’s say you are in the market for car insurance. Your 17-year-old daughter has just passed her driving test and wants a car.

You might start your car insurance journey with a term such as “cheap car insurance” or “new driver’s car insurance.”

New drivers car insurance - Google search results

You scroll and click the results, read the websites and leave because you must take your daughter to her fitness class.

A few weeks pass, and your daughter reminds you of the car insurance she needs for the car she has convinced you to buy.

You repeat the same search, but perhaps this time, you click a few results but see Google’s PAA (people also ask) section.

New drivers car insurance - Google PAA

You click some more and new questions such as “How to reduce car insurance for new drivers” appear.

How to reduce car insurance for new drivers - Google search results

You are now in what Google calls the “messy middle of search.”

Messy middle of search

The messy middle is a world of exploration and evaluation, where brands can choose to show up and increase their chances of being selected and recalled by buyers.

We receive internal or external triggers to search.

We then explore subjects and vendors.

In the end, searchers will have a number of brands that enter their ‘consideration’ set of vendors or products they want to purchase from.

Every buyer search journey depends on the sector. Some take place in minutes, and others take over 12 months.

And this is the search journey we want to map out as best as possible.

We are trying to paint a possible picture of our consumer’s online activity in relation to purchasing.

In the car insurance example earlier, we saw how a prospect makes many searches over a period of time before building a consideration set of brands.

To map the keyword journey, it’s useful to split keywords into three categories:

Head, body, long-tail keywords

Once you gather your data in the next step, your keyword strategy will start to take shape.

Lower budgets might mean you can’t rank for competitive keywords, but you can reach people as they explore the subject with buyer intent.

Or you may focus on a more targeted and specific group of consumers.

Now, look at your data and add this to the three areas of heady, body and tail.

You can do this via a spreadsheet with three columns.

Dig deeper: How to find high-potential keywords for SEO

Keyword ideation: Identifying what your customers need

Once you have your data, you need to address what keywords match the customer’s needs.

These are keywords that a prospect will use to help them to choose a product, service or brand.

From your research, you’ll have a lot of data, but we need to consider how humans use the web and align our keyword research with that.

Kantar conducted research with Google to identify six needs that searchers have when they use Google.

These needs were identified as follows.

Let’s break down each one.

Thrill me

When people come to search engines with this need, they are often at the earliest part of their search journey. 

“Search is a quick adventure to find new things. It is brief, with just a few words and minimal back-button use.”

Customers might be looking for ideas, inspiration, examples, entertainment, visualization success stories, case studies and more.

This is often where brands can use other media, such as social media, to grab the attention of consumers.

Thrill me

Surprise me 

Searchers using Google with “surprise me” needs are looking for inspiration. 

“Search is fun and entertaining. It is extensive with many unique iterations.”

It’s likely that these keywords are early on in a consumer search journey. This is similar to the “thrill me” search terms but usually more broad. 

A lot of TikTok content will be consumed this way. With a consumer searching for trending products and information. 

Surprise me 

Educate me

People who are looking for education search for items such as reviews and comparisons.

“Search is about competence and control. It is thorough: reviews, ratings, comparisons, etc.”

They can seek out ratings and look for vendor experience, expertise, knowledge and authority. Which can come in the form of information and credentials.

It’s here that a brand should focus on displaying their E-E-A-T on their site and it’s likely that these keywords are used for customers who are placing brands in their consideration set.

Educate me

Impress me

Here, consumers look for status, knowledge and experience.

“Search is about influencing and winning. It is laser-focused, using specific phrases.”

Many searches here are where a consumer knows exactly what they want. Luxury items will live in this sector, but consumers are also seeking out higher-end goods or services. 

Impress me

Help me

If a searcher needs help, they often seek advice, tools, templates and answers. 

“Search is about connecting and practicality. It is to-the-point and more likely to mention family or location.”

The searchers have a definite problem and possibly an urgent need. SaaS platforms often win in this range of needs. So do local ‘emergency’ vendors such as plumbers and electricians. 

But content can live here too. If you’re a SaaS platform that connects plumbers to locals in need, you could create content that teaches people how to solve their own problems.

By seeing what it entails and thinking, “This looks too much like hard work,” you have framed them for the next step: using your services.

Help me

Reassure me

Finally, “reassure me” keywords are related to support, answers and aftercare.

“Search is about simplicity, comfort and trust. It is uncomplicated and more likely to include questions.”

A huge number of medical and legal searches exist for this search need. 

For many, it’s easy to dismiss this part of the buyer’s journey, as you might find in your research that these types of keywords are post-purchase.

However, these keywords can have a huge business impact if you can reduce support calls and even complaints.

At this stage of the journey, we are analyzing our search data and identifying our consumers’ search needs. You will probably see a pattern emerge.

For example, if you sell garden furniture, you’ll probably see consumers looking for inspiration and ideas more.

In the beauty industry, people might focus more on cost and finding treatment locations near them. 

Reassure me

Regardless of your niche, you have now taken your consumer and search data and placed it in the context of search needs. My advice would be to build this out on a spreadsheet or other board tool.

Run through your head, medium and tail keywords earlier and assign them to each search needs.

Once you’ve done this, it’s time to look at the assets you can create to satisfy these search needs.

Dig deeper: Rethinking your keyword strategy: Why optimizing for search intent matters

Selecting your keyword assets

To identify and select your keyword assets, you will build two keyword lists:

Stages of keyword usage in the buyer's journey

We’ve established that:

Using the data we’ve gathered, we can begin developing solutions tailored to these consumer needs.

To start, we can organize these search needs into two groups: exploration and evaluation. 

Keep in mind that there may be overlap between the two, and the categorization will vary depending on the specifics of each business.

Here’s an example of how this might look:

Based on your data, you can start populating your buckets as you meet the search needs of your consumers.

For example, your data might show that your customers need education and you will create guides to match this search intent.

Or perhaps a dedicated review section of your website needs to be created to gather customer testimonials.

The aim here is consider the assets you could create to meet your consumer’s search needs based on your data. 

Here are some ideas:

Each keyword should have a asset aligned with it.

Once you’ve done this, we move into the final stage.

The manual keyword research process

This is the part where most keyword research guides begin, and ours will end.

The reason is simple: as an SEO, you’ll use many different tools throughout your career. 

It’s important to develop a keyword research process that works independently of any specific tool but can be applied to all of them.

What matters is the process and not the search tool.

Filter through your data to establish commercial viability for keywords and assets. Here’s how.

Establishing keyword viability 

At this point, you should have two lists for Exploration and Evaluation.

Establishing keyword viability 

Under each section, you will see a list of assets you have decided to create.

And for each asset, you’ll have a list of keywords that each asset targets.

Let’s say your research showed that people were searching for how much something costs.

You’ve identified that an online calculation tool would meet consumer search needs.

The purpose of your manual keyword research is to review the keyword to look from a business viability basis.

You’ll need to consider the search volume available, your internal resources and the time/ cost of ranking for that keyword. You should also consider the potential rewards for the business.

This will depend from business to business, but at the end of the process, you’ll have identified assets you can create for consumers that meet their search needs. And you’ll be better placed to gain buy in from stakeholders.


If you made it to the end of this article, you deserve a medal.

Establishing a revenue-focused keyword research process that aligns with consumer needs greatly stacks the odds in your favor.

Here’s a final recap of the process:

Complete keyword research process diagram

Do this, and you’ll have a great keyword research approach to help you generate ranking and traffic that drives revenue.

Dig deeper: B2B keyword research: A comprehensive guide

Courtesy of Search Engine Land: News & Info About SEO, PPC, SEM, Search Engines & Search Marketing

Key Google Search Console metrics to monitor every month

Written on September 26, 2024 at 9:05 am, by admin

Google Search Console

Let’s face it: Turning raw data into actionable insights can be as cryptic as decoding ancient hieroglyphics, especially for the SEO rookies in your crew.

That’s the challenge I addressed in my SMX Advanced 2024 session.

Didn’t catch it? No worries. I’m recapping it all in this article series, one juicy nugget at a time. This is Part 2, so if you missed Part 1, check it out.

Get ready for a quick overview of key technical SEO metrics to track in Google Search Console. Compare your list with mine – you might spot something your SEO team has missed.

Senior SEO managers: This article is for your technical SEO newcomers. It explains how I would introduce Google Search Console metrics to bridge their knowledge gaps quickly.

Top tips for looking at Google Search Console metrics

Focus on one metric at a time
Check for more metrics

Let’s zero in on the essential technical SEO metrics in Google Search Console. 

Page indexing

These reports are the bread and butter of every technical SEO. The Page indexing section of Google Search Console tells you if your content is making it to the SERPs. 

But don’t just glance at the numbers. Dig deeper than the end of the month numbers. Look for fluctuations over time, not just a snapshot of one day at the end of the month.

Pages indexed

This one seems easy, right? If your indexed pages go down, you have fewer URLs ranking over time. That’s usually a problem.

Too many SEOs miss fluctuations in these Google Search Console charts by looking at the default view.

This causes the combination of non-indexed and indexed pages in the chart muddy the waters, causing you to miss what is happening. Instead, turn off Pages not indexed to look at indexed pages alone. 

Pages indexed - fluctuations

Pages not indexed

This count reveals how many URLs Google knows about but hasn’t indexed. Remember to toggle off Pages indexed for a clearer view of what actually happened over time.

Why pages are not indexed

Here’s where the sleuthing kicks in because you can dive into why pages aren’t indexed. This section allows you to dig deeper and uncover why those pages aren’t getting indexed, along with a list of reasons and example URLs.

The most common culprits include:

I ignore plenty of the usual suspects – unless that fourth column trend line starts shifting. 

For my clients, these metrics rarely budge. So I spend three seconds or less looking at the trend line. If things are trending well and there aren’t any fluctuations, then move on.

Fluctuations in trend lines

The metrics that only get three seconds or less reviewing for major trend line fluctuations:

Note: Your Google Search Console might not show every possible reason for pages not being indexed because only the issues your site actually faces make it to your list of reasons why pages aren’t indexed. That said, most enterprise companies will see all (or nearly all) of the reasons above.

Videos indexed

This is where Google breaks down how many videos are indexed. 

In the video mode update on Dec. 4, 2023, many videos were booted from the index for various reasons, which you will find in this section. 

Tip: If video indexing isn’t in your SEO roadmap, skip these metrics.

Why videos are not indexed

This is another place to figure out why Google has rejected your content (in this case, videos). 

Google makes it very clear what must be done to get your videos indexed, and many of the reasons are technical SEO action items.

The most common culprits include:

(View Google’s complete list of reasons.)

Tip: If video indexing isn’t in your SEO roadmap, you can breeze past these metrics. Unfortunately, many companies’ video SEO efforts have been sidelined by other priorities and if this is you, then you can probably skip this section until you’re ready to take action on video SEO.

Dig deeper: How to use Google Search Console to unlock easy SEO wins

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XML sitemap errors

XML sitemaps are search engine fuel, packed with crucial signals. For small sites, issues here typically don’t create problems. 

Enterprise SEOs, watch these like a hawk – any glitches can prevent new URLs from being crawled, create hreflang tag confusion for search engines and prevent search engines from catching updates and crawling fresh content.

XML sitemap error 1
XML sitemap error 2

How to do this:

"Page Indexing” or “Video Page Indexing”


Mobile Core Web Vitals 

Mobile Core Web Vitals are the most important for SEO and deserve the most attention. Google also has much higher expectations for these URLs, so this is where you’ll focus most of your Core Web Vitals attention. 

This is a report I like developers to see regularly, because you can see how URLs are flipping between the metrics and on which date. This can help you troubleshoot by coordinating these dates with changes on the site, CMS, DAM, network, etc.

Metrics to monitor: 

Mobile Core Web Vitals 

The historical chart is great for quick trends, but it’s limited to a short window. For the bigger picture, drop the data into a spreadsheet and build your own chart. 

You’ll often find that things look fine now, but 5 or 6 months ago, the metrics were far better – don’t let that slip past you.

Tip: This is a good report for development to see on a regular basis. Consider a regular metrics readout cadence with development to discuss what’s going on and compare it with what they know is happening in releases, server maintenance, third-party code and more.

Why mobile URLs don’t have a ‘good’ Core Web Vitals score

This data explains why particular URLs aren’t considered good by Google. Unfortunately, it doesn’t tell you how to address the problem (that requires you to do a Core Web Vitals audit). 

In these metrics, you’ll get:

Metrics to monitor in this report:

Developers usually need more than just metrics. They want the full list of URLs with low scores.

Luckily, Google gives you and your devs sample URLs to evaluate, though it’s not the comprehensive list they crave. To dig deeper for more URL examples, tap into the Google Search Console API for more data.


Desktop Core Web Vitals metrics

This is exactly the same as mobile. Usually, I give this a quick gander, but most of the time is spent on mobile core web vitals metrics.

What is often interesting in the desktop metrics is correlations between metrics improving in desktop, but getting worse on mobile devices. This is a good place for development to figure out why mobile metrics got worse, but desktop improved.

Metrics to monitor: 

Why Desktop Core Web Vitals metrics are low

Frankly, this is not a priority for the sites I work on. Not that I never look at them, but in the grand scheme of things we prioritize fixing mobile issues, anticipating that fixing mobile issues will fix desktop issues.

For a few of my B2B enterprise clients, with a primarily desktop-focused audience, we dial up the attention on these metrics to make sure nothing slips through the cracks:

Rich results from Schema

Adding Schema markup to your site unlocks special features that enhance your organic listings, such as breadcrumb links, product information and more. 

In Google Search Console, URLs with code intended to trigger these SERP enhancements are tracked in a section called “Enhancements.” 

The list of “Enhancements” listed in Google Search Console will vary based, on your site’s setup. Here are the most common enhancements you’ll likely see:

Each of these enhancements have a report indicating the number of URLs that are valid, invalid and issues to address. 

What’s next?

Now that you have the key Google Search Console metrics, make sure you track them regularly (monthly works best). 

Remember to drop these metrics into a spreadsheet. Google’s limited historical data might leave you hanging when you need those insights down the road. 

In the next article of this series, I’ll show you a few metrics tucked away in the “settings” section of Google Search Console that few SEOs talk about, but I like to keep an eye on. 

Dig deeper: 3 underutilized Google Search Console reports for diagnosing traffic drops

Courtesy of Search Engine Land: News & Info About SEO, PPC, SEM, Search Engines & Search Marketing

Google’s Ads Data Hub: What you need to know

Written on September 26, 2024 at 9:05 am, by admin

Google Ads Data Hub

The Google Ads landscape continues to evolve, with a growing emphasis on data usage that complies with strict privacy guidelines.

To support advertisers navigating this environment, Google introduced a robust toolset designed to advance their AI-driven marketing strategies.

A key part of this transformation is Ads Data Hub (ADH), a platform built on Google Cloud.

ADH allows advertisers to integrate and analyze data from Google Ads and other sources, offering deeper insights into customer journeys and ad performance while maintaining privacy compliance. 

This article explores what Ads Data Hub is, how it works and tips to maximize the tool while improving your Google Ads performance.

What is Ads Data Hub?

The Ads Data Hub is a centralized repository for all your marketing data, integrating information from:

Designed with privacy in mind, ADH aggregates all query results to prevent the identification of individual users within the dataset.

Minimum aggregation thresholds are established to avoid accidental exposure of personally identifiable information.

You also cannot download specific user data, ensuring compliance with today’s privacy guidelines and best practices across various industries.

Ads Data Hub: Setup and architecture

The platform’s architecture is specifically designed to securely and efficiently process large-scale advertising datasets. Let’s explore its key components and workflow in detail.

How Ads Data Hub works

Data ingestion

Advertisers upload their first-party data to ADH, including customer interactions, website analytics and CRM information. 

This data is matched with Google’s ad data (e.g., impressions, clicks, conversions) using hashed identifiers.

Cloud-based processing

The core of ADH is powered by Google Cloud’s BigQuery infrastructure. 

Advertisers can write SQL queries to analyze data, joining their first-party data with Google’s advertising data. 

This system allows businesses to run highly customized analyses without moving the data outside Google’s secure environment.


Users run SQL queries on aggregated datasets, with results compiled at a user level to protect personally identifiable information (PII).

ADH restricts the types of queries that can be executed to ensure individual user data remains private.


Once the query is complete, ADH provides an aggregated report which can then be exported to BigQuery for further analysis or connected to other reporting tools like Looker Studio.

ADH’s limitations

Despite its robust features, Ads Data Hub has certain limitations that advertisers should be aware of.

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When to use Ads Data Hub

Ads Data Hub provides valuable insights by integrating data from various sources across customer touchpoints.

It enables advertisers to analyze purchase history across channels, identify shopping cart abandoners and create customer segments and audiences. These insights can then be used to inform ad copy, optimize landing pages and improve ROI models.

Here are some specific examples of how Ads Data Hub can be applied:

Cross-platform measurement

First-party data enrichment

Google provides a good table of use cases to help provide some starting points:

Ads Data Hub - Use cases

Use case examples

Here are a few examples of how businesses have used the Google Ads Data Hub to improve their Google Ads performance.

Churn prevention through ad interaction analysis

Maximizing lifetime value for high-value users

Geo-specific conversion propensity for affinity segments

Optimizing retargeting with message sequencing

Tracking new CRM signups from ad exposure

Ads Data Hub: Bridging data sources for enhanced marketing intelligence

Google’s Ads Data Hub is a powerful tool for advertisers seeking actionable insights while maintaining strict privacy standards. 

By leveraging Google Cloud’s infrastructure and combining first-party and Google Ads data, the platform enables advanced analysis without compromising user privacy. 

From campaign optimization to custom attribution modeling, ADH helps you succeed in a privacy-focused advertising landscape.

Courtesy of Search Engine Land: News & Info About SEO, PPC, SEM, Search Engines & Search Marketing

5 ways to scale global search management

Written on September 26, 2024 at 9:05 am, by admin

5 ways to scale global search management

Relying solely on content and technical SEO is no longer enough to achieve sustainable success, especially for businesses operating in multiple markets.

While these elements are crucial, they fail to fully account for the diverse factors influencing a website’s global performance.

The complexities of managing SEO across different regions, languages and market conditions add layers of challenges, many of which fall outside the direct control of local SEO teams.

To effectively navigate these hurdles, companies must adopt process changes that promote consistency, reduce friction and enhance performance across all markets.

This article will explore how integrating uniform frameworks, centralized reporting and streamlined processes can help maintain and improve SEO performance on a global scale.

1. Ensure consistent reporting 

Performance reporting is the first area that begs for consistency in many global search programs. 

Too many companies lack consistent reporting across their markets, making it impossible to roll up data to understand global, regional and market performance. 

Finding opportunities that can be leveraged in other markets is even more challenging.

In one of my initial global team meetings with a client, I observed how search teams from various markets presented their reports in completely different formats. 

Many reports included similar data points, such as keyword rankings and some Google Search Console metrics. Still, only a few mentioned organic traffic and none provided ROI metrics, such as search-influenced leads or sales.

To address this inconsistency, we created a standardized reporting template that all markets could adopt.

This template could be easily integrated into the global reporting dashboard, enabling management to assess market performance and identify areas that require additional resources.

After establishing a consistent reporting framework, the next step is to expand the data set to include additional search variables. 

One of my preferred metrics to monitor is the global performance of “always on” keywords. These keywords represent the business’s core offerings across different markets and must consistently appear in search results.

For example, a global search manager at a company like Lenovo or Dell might want to track how many markets rank in the top positions for a key product category like laptop computers, helping to identify areas of focus and potential keyword cannibalization.

By centralizing data, you can spot market or regional trends to apply in other areas, adding value. 

For instance, during a meeting in Japan, a global manager noted significant traffic boosts from blog posts that highlighted how their product outperformed competitors. 

This strategy was successfully implemented globally. Additionally, analyzing data on a global scale and encouraging markets to report increases and anomalies can reveal new opportunities.

2. Centralize SEO development tickets 

Companies with centralized web development often struggle to manage multiple, conflicting support tickets, particularly when SEO responsibilities are decentralized to local teams or agencies.

This decentralization leads to inefficiencies, as teams spend significant time consolidating and prioritizing tickets, especially when requests conflict or need further clarification.

A centralized review process minimizes ticket redundancy and ensures that changes to key SEO elements do not negatively impact other markets. For instance, there have been cases where a local SEO team or agency has requested changes based on the latest techniques or aggressive strategies, which could lead to penalties affecting all markets.

While advising on a global search project, I examined Jira tickets submitted by local SEO teams and agencies.

I found a dozen tickets, some over six months old, all requesting the same task: correcting links in the header to prevent 404 errors.

The requests varied in detail, from simple fixes like “fix the links in the header” to one that specified exact links needing revision, but only for the local market.

By reviewing these requests centrally, we developed a comprehensive solution that framed the issue as a global concern. This resulted in the ticket’s acceptance and implementation in the next sprint.

Dig deeper: How you can deal with decentralization in international SEO 

3. Be consistent in your approach and philosophy

The ticket review highlighted a significant inconsistency with the organization’s SEO philosophy and best practices. Many requests included outdated techniques that could undo existing positive changes.

Companies with a Search Council have a structured process for reviewing and approving market requests.

Even without formal procedures, in-house SEOs should assess the requests for their validity, viability and impact at both local and global levels.

We’ve all encountered situations where Agency A insists on a critical action while Agency B claims it’s not essential and prioritizes other tasks.

Also, there are times when web guidelines or the CMS restrict changes. How is this reconciliation handled?

A major challenge is the lack of SEO expertise in local markets.

Often, these markets do not have a dedicated SEO agency or personnel, as SEO is just one of many responsibilities.

They could greatly benefit from shared experience and documented guidelines to clarify focus areas and CMS capabilities.

All markets can enhance their SEO strategies and maintain a unified approach by collaborating to develop consistent guidelines, processes and templates.

Dig deeper: International SEO: How to avoid common translation and localization pitfalls

Don’t forget your templates

In a centralized development structure, most markets use the same templates, particularly for product pages. When a change is made to one template, it affects all websites, making template-related tickets and optimization actions crucial.

While consistency in webpage templates and SEO presents challenges, it also offers opportunities. Focusing on templates can lead to significant improvements; once fixes are deployed globally, everyone benefits.

It’s surprising to see many multinational websites with identical templates undergoing numerous audits. If all markets share a common template, there’s less need for individual audits, allowing budgets to be allocated to unique market needs instead.

It’s beneficial to share site audits, especially when multiple markets use the same template. Auditing the template infrastructure should yield consistent results.

Agencies can check for any deviations from the template, ensuring a more efficient use of resources. This allows teams to concentrate on content, backlinks and other important areas rather than redundant audits.

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4. Use centralized solutions 

Many SEO activities, from analytics to tools, could be centralized at a global level or in markets with more resources. However, despite the potential efficiency, I’ve found this is often more challenging in practice. 

Centralized funding and management of SEO diagnostic tools can be more effective than having each market fund various tools independently.

For example, I’ve seen mid-sized companies use an old desktop computer with a single Screaming Frog license to crawl all markets and store reports on a shared drive.

After discovering that many of their CMS-generated XML sitemaps had errors, they created validated XML sitemaps for all markets and stored them centrally.

While discussing keywords is often discouraged, collaborative teams can benefit by sharing paid search keyword lists, ad copy and negative lists.

This collaboration is crucial for same-language markets, allowing them to build on existing work and focus their time and resources on adaptation and expansion.

5. Consider global and local

Local markets may see the shift toward consistency and standardized processes as restricting their autonomy and may resist if they believe it could impact their KPIs.

They need web elements and processes unique to their markets. Still, they should recognize that adopting consistent templates, centralized task alignment and best practices can help them focus more on local activities.

Getting SEO initiatives into the development pipeline is a significant challenge at any level, but a consistent workflow and aligned markets enhance effectiveness.

This uniformity facilitates the integration of cross-market analytics and AI solutions, creating further opportunities for scaling.

Dig deeper: The best AI tools for global SEO expansion

Streamlining global SEO: Centralized strategies for sustainable success

Incorporating standardized frameworks and centralized processes into global SEO strategies promotes consistency, efficiency and scalability across markets. 

Organizations can more effectively allocate resources and uncover growth opportunities by streamlining reporting, ticket management and template usage. 

This holistic approach improves site performance and enables local markets to focus on region-specific initiatives, driving sustainable SEO success on a global scale.

Courtesy of Search Engine Land: News & Info About SEO, PPC, SEM, Search Engines & Search Marketing

Adopting vs. hacking Google Ads features: The great debate

Written on September 26, 2024 at 9:05 am, by admin

From your account reps to the interface itself, Google gives you plenty of recommendations on managing your ad campaigns. But are all of those good?

Should you ignore these recommendations and “hack” Google’s machine learning – or should you follow Google’s advice? 

Two Google Ads experts – Ben Kruger and Anthony Higman – had an interesting debate on this topic at SMX Advanced.

Here are the key points from their discussion.

Performance Max (PMax) for non-ecommerce

Kruger, who was on the side of adopting, clearly took the stance that Performance Max is future and that all Google’s tools centers around it:

PMax offers growth opportunities through AI-driven insights across various channels, but Kruger advised against relying solely on it, suggesting it should be part of a broader, strategic approach that includes learning from PMax to enhance dedicated campaigns.

Higman, who was on the side of hacking, said non-ecommerce brands, in particular, should avoid PMax. He sees “a lot of problems” with it:

Higman emphasized the importance of maintaining control and visibility over ad spend, especially for those with smaller budgets. He also expressed concern that widespread adoption of PMax could lead to the deprecation of more transparent tools.

Best match type

Kruger said there is a place for exact match, but if he had to choose, it would be broad match:

Broad match is more effective in capturing the increasingly unique, specific and long-tail queries users are making, according to Kruger. It leverages Google’s AI to understand consumer intent and match ads to relevant searches by analyzing various signals, including the user’s past behavior and the content of landing pages.

Higman’s all-time favorite, of the present and past match types, is broad match modifier. But sticking to what is possible, he said he prefers exact match.

Kruger also noted that while exact match may be more expensive, it offers tighter control and more precise targeting compared to other match types. Despite still using phrase match for specific purposes, exact match is currently his preferred choice for achieving targeted campaign results.

Automation vs. control

When posed the question of automation versus control, Kruger said performance is what matters:

While control is important, particularly for agencies focused on hitting specific targets within platforms like Google Ads, relying solely on controlled methods limits growth potential, Kruger said.

Balance is key, Kruger said, where strategic controls are combined with automation to drive significant business growth. In his experience, automation has consistently delivered the best performance outcomes.

Unsurprisingly, Higman’s stance is “1,000% control”:

Higman is concerned that automation, with its lack of transparency, could lead to undesirable outcomes and urges others to resist the push toward automated systems that reduce control.

RSA (Responsive Search Ads) strategy

Maximizes all the headlines and descriptions that RSA’s have to offer, Kruger said:

As search engine results pages (SERPs) evolve, having a diverse set of assets in RSAs increases the chances of securing different placements, something expanded text ads (ETAs) cannot achieve, according to Kruger.

But Higman is not a fan of RSAs. He said:

While Higman acknowledged the potential of RSAs to match headlines and descriptions to searches, that hasn’t been his experience. Overall, he has found that ETAs still significantly outperform RSAs.

Both experts agreed that ad strength scores may not be indicative of performance.

Nuanced perspectives

It should be noted that with each point each expert conceded that their “opponent” made valid points:

The debate highlighted the ongoing tension in the PPC community between embracing Google’s automation push and maintaining granular control over campaigns.

The key takeaway is that while Google is clearly moving toward more automated solutions, the best approach depends on an advertiser’s specific goals, budget and capacity for growth.

Watch: The great debate: Should you hack or adopt Google Ads features?

You can watch the full session from SMX Advanced here:

Courtesy of Search Engine Land: News & Info About SEO, PPC, SEM, Search Engines & Search Marketing

When and how to fire PPC clients

Written on September 25, 2024 at 6:03 am, by admin

When and how to fire PPC clients

As PPC professionals, we strive to deliver results, optimize campaigns, foster strong client relationships and grow along with our clients. 

However, not all client partnerships are destined for success. Sometimes, the difficult decision to part ways becomes necessary.

Why maintaining a healthy client portfolio matters

A thriving PPC agency or freelance business relies on a client portfolio that aligns with your expertise, values and business goals.

Each client relationship should be mutually beneficial, allowing for:

When these elements are balanced, you can deliver your best work and achieve outstanding results. However, when the scales tip unfavorably, it may be time to reassess the relationship.

Dig deeper: 8 questions to ask your new PPC clients

Challenges of managing difficult PPC clients

Even the most experienced PPC professionals encounter challenging clients from time to time. These difficulties can manifest in various ways:

While facing these challenges is part of the job, there comes a point when the cost of maintaining a difficult client relationship outweighs the benefits.

Recognizing when to draw the line is key to your PPC business’s long-term success.

5 signs it’s time to consider firing a client

1. Consistent late payments

Cash flow is the lifeblood of any business, and consistent late payments can seriously jeopardize your operations:

When late payments become the norm, it’s time to reconsider the relationship. 

Consistently paying late shows a lack of respect for you and your services, and it’s important to address it.

2. Unrealistic expectations

Clients with unrealistic expectations can create undue stress and strain on your team:

When a client’s expectations are consistently unrealistic, it may be a sign the relationship isn’t working. 

These expectations often stem from a lack of marketing knowledge or because another agency or freelancer made promises that are now your responsibility.

Dig deeper: How to set and manage PPC expectations for teams and stakeholders

3. Poor communication

Effective communication is the foundation of any successful client relationship:

Before starting, you and your client should agree on communication channels, meeting frequency and when you need feedback versus when you’re just sharing information. 

If communication issues persist and affect your ability to deliver results, it may be time to reconsider the partnership.

4. Disregard for expert advice

As PPC professionals, our expertise is what clients pay for. When that expertise is consistently ignored:

If your advice is regularly ignored, it may signal a lack of trust or respect for your expertise.

5. Unethical requests

Maintaining ethical standards is non-negotiable in PPC management:

Parting ways with a client who continually makes unethical requests is a must to protect your business and integrity.

Dig deeper: 5 tips for handling client and stakeholder requests for PPC projects

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What to do before firing a client

Before deciding to fire a client, it’s important to handle the situation thoughtfully and professionally. 

Consider these steps to potentially salvage the relationship or ensure you’ve addressed the issues thoroughly.

Open communication about issues

Clear, honest communication is the foundation of any successful professional relationship. When problems arise, it’s essential to address them directly:

Document everything. If issues arise, having records will protect you. It’s always safer to have documentation than to be without it.

Setting clear boundaries and expectations

Once you’ve openly discussed the issues, establish or reinforce clear boundaries and expectations:

Dig deeper: 5 essential PPC skills every agency pro must have

Offering alternative solutions

Before resorting to terminating the relationship, explore alternative solutions that could address the core issues:

Taking these steps shows your commitment to the client and your effort to find solutions. 

If the situation doesn’t improve, you can confidently move forward with ending the relationship, knowing you’ve done your best to resolve the issues.

How to fire a PPC client professionally

After exhausting all efforts to salvage the relationship, you may find that terminating the contract is the best course of action.

Handling this process professionally is crucial for maintaining your reputation and minimizing potential negative impacts on your business.

Let’s explore the key steps to firing a PPC client with grace and professionalism.

Timing considerations

Timing is key when ending a client relationship. 

Preparing necessary documentation

Gather all relevant documentation for the termination process. 

Initiating the conversation

When it’s time to inform the client about ending the relationship, approach the conversation with professionalism and empathy. 

By managing this difficult conversation thoughtfully, you can maintain professionalism and preserve a positive relationship, even as you part ways.

Handling the transition

A well-managed transition process can help maintain a positive professional reputation:

Dig deeper: Client onboarding and offboarding: The PPC agency’s guide

Reflecting on the experience

After you’ve gone through the process of firing a client, take a step back and reflect on the experience. 

This isn’t just about closing a chapter; it’s an opportunity for growth and improvement in your PPC business.

Analyze the reasons for termination

Take some time to analyze what led to the termination.

Were there early warning signs you missed? Could you have addressed any issues sooner?

This reflection isn’t about beating yourself up, but about learning and evolving your business practices.

Refine client selection and onboarding

Use these insights to refine your client selection process.

Consider developing a more detailed ideal client profile. What characteristics make for a great long-term partnership?

You might want to create a more comprehensive onboarding questionnaire to help identify potential issues early on.

Setting clear expectations from the start can prevent many problems down the line.

Dig deeper: PPC client kickoff: Strategies for a successful first encounter

Strengthen existing client relationships

Take this opportunity to strengthen relationships with your existing clients during this process. 

Conduct a relationship audit with your current clients.

Are there any emerging issues you can proactively address? 

Increasing communication and transparency can go a long way in maintaining healthy, long-term partnerships.

Review legal considerations

Always review your service agreement before terminating a client relationship. 

Pay close attention to termination clauses, ownership of work and data and any confidentiality agreements. 

Adhering to proper notice periods is important. If it’s not specified in your contract, a 30-day notice is typically standard in the PPC industry.

Manage proprietary information

Handling proprietary information is another important consideration. 

Be clear about what constitutes proprietary information and outline the process for returning or destroying client data. 

Make sure you’re complying with all relevant data protection regulations.

Ending client relationships: Steps for a smooth and professional transition

Healthy business relationships are crucial for long-term success in PPC management.

While retaining clients is important, it shouldn’t hinder your agency’s growth. 

Open communication helps prevent issues, and clear contracts benefit both parties. However, sometimes, ending a relationship is the best option for everyone.

You can build a stronger, more sustainable PPC business by managing client relationships strategically and handling terminations professionally.

Focus not just on keeping clients but on finding those who share your values and goals.

Each client relationship, including those that end, offers a chance to learn.

Use these experiences to improve your processes and services, ultimately creating a thriving PPC business.

Courtesy of Search Engine Land: News & Info About SEO, PPC, SEM, Search Engines & Search Marketing

Google recognizes content creators: A breakthrough for E-E-A-T and SEO

Written on September 25, 2024 at 6:03 am, by admin

A breakthrough for E-E-A-T and SEO

Google is explicitly identifying people it understands to be content creators. 

This article explains how we know that Google is recognizing content creators, why it’s important and what SEO professionals need to do in response.

Google’s growing recognition of content creator entities

I recently discovered Knowledge Panel subtitles like “Content Creator (Medicine)” and “Content Creator (Travel)” in the SERPs.

This shows Google’s explicit identification of individuals as authoritative content creators within specific fields.

Knowledge panel subtitle - Content Creator

This is a significant E-E-A-T development for content creators as it gives visible and meaningful proof that Google has recognized them as credible sources of information on a specific topic.

It’s also a huge advantage in modern SEO, since the person’s content is more likely to appear in today’s search results and tomorrow’s AI-powered assistants.

Here are some examples from the Kalicube Pro dataset (tracking over 17 million person entities) for content creator topics:

Google is looking for content creators

This focus on identifying content creators is a recurring theme at Google. 

Three events in 2023 and 2024 demonstrated that identifying content creators is a major focus for Google:

Our Knowledge Graph monitoring tool shows small updates every 1 to 2 weeks. In 2024, they have mostly affected person entities.

Knowledge graph algorithm updates

While these updates may seem random and impact around 10% of entities, they are typically minor “recalibrations” rather than strategically significant changes. 

The key takeaway is that Google is increasingly focused on identifying trustworthy person entities and connecting them to the content they create.

Why this is important to E-E-A-T in SEO

E-E-A-T takes on real (measurable) meaning when Google identifies people it considers authoritative on a topic and can confidently link them to the content they create.

This places us firmly in the era of what I call modern SEO, where, in addition to optimizing the content (traditional SEO), optimizing the content creator and website publisher entities is necessary.

The logic is simple and irrefutable, given the data and the Google leak.

In order for Google’s algorithms to apply any E-E-A-T credibility signals, they need to understand the entity and the relationship between that entity and the web pages it creates or that provide information about it.

This is a zero-sum game. Without explicit understanding, the entity’s E-E-A-T credibility signals (links, awards, qualifications, reviews, testimonials, media coverage, etc.) will have no effect.

How to optimize content creator/author for SEO

To achieve optimal SEO results, you need to focus on optimizing both the content creator and website publisher entities. However, if you have to prioritize one, choose the content creator.

Google is increasingly focusing on individuals and optimizing content creators will likely provide the most value to your clients right now.

Optimization passes through three phases:


Create clear relationships between the content creator and reference pages that Google can use to verify facts about the person. Ideal reference pages include:


Establish connections between the content creator and relevant content. This includes:


Expand the content creator’s digital footprint by creating new content, getting content published about them and controlling all information strands. Ensure all content is:

Use the creator’s personal website as a central hub in a hub-and-spoke model, linking all content to help Google and other AI systems connect the dots.

A simple, DIY method to check if Google recognizes the author

To see if Google recognizes an author, search for the title of one of their articles. In the SERPs, click the three vertical dots next to the result.

If Google shows the author’s name and a brief description, it means the relationship between the author and the content has been established in Google’s algorithms.

Checking if Google recognizes the content author

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The person entity and URL relationships evolve over time

This strategy is not a “set-it-and-forget-it” approach. Over time, a person’s digital footprint expands, their niche evolves and Google’s dataset and algorithms continuously change.

For example, during the Killer Whale update, the number of person entities tripled in a single day, drastically altering the landscape for most entities overnight. 

Even smaller updates can accumulate into significant changes:

The person entity and URL relationships evolve over time

There is a constant risk of losing critical elements such as entity-to-reference relationships, author connections, specific facts about the entity and relationships with other entities. 

The daily risk of losing their Knowledge Panel is particularly high for less established person entities.

Tracking these elements is essential, and ongoing maintenance is crucial.

We consider an entity to be established only after two years of presence in Google’s Knowledge Graph, as reflected in its entity home.

Entities that depend on sources like Wikipedia, Wikidata, Google Books, Crunchbase or other third-party resources for their existence in the Knowledge Graph remain vulnerable to changes in those sources.

Is this information integrated into the algorithms?

The simple answer is “yes.” 

We can clearly see Person entities in Gemini, AI Overviews, Google Discover and in traditional SERPs through rich features such as Knowledge Panels, People Also Search For, “Best of” lists and much more.

Even when considering a traditional KPI like ranking, you can see the positive impact of building these entity-to-URL relationships. 

In collaboration with WordLift, I have been working on this for my personal brand. Below is the position tracking of pages explicitly associated with “Jason Barnard” as reference or author pages on WordLift’s website:

Tacking of pages explicitly associated with “Jason Barnard”

Here are some results from on and off-SERP assistive agents:

On and off-SERP assistive agents' results for “Jason Barnard”

This is important to topical authority in SEO

The importance of topical authority is widely recognized in the SEO industry.

Because topics are considered entities, building topical authority involves developing URL-to-entity relationships for both the relevant topics and the content creator.

As you establish topical authority for a content creator, the likelihood of Google assigning a subtitle such as “Content creator (Topic)” increases. 

This subtitle serves as a direct indicator of individuals whom Google recognizes as primary content creators with authority in a specific field.

However, this subtitle is not the only measure of topical authority. 

If Google views an individual’s primary role differently, an individual can possess topical authority without it being reflected in their subtitle. 

For example, while Google acknowledges me as a topical authority in SEO – evident from the topic-to-URL relationship with my entity home – my Knowledge Panel subtitle is “Entrepreneur.”

Other search and assistive engines and the future

In addition to Google Search and Gemini, various AI assistive engines – such as ChatGPT, Microsoft Copilot, Perplexity, Alexa, Apple Spotlight and Siri – are adopting similar strategies. Through direct or indirect partnerships, these engines:

What you must do now as a modern SEO expert

To stay ahead, focus on building an understanding of person-to-page relationships (consider these as linkless links).

Apply this strategy to the content creators on your (or your clients’) websites to enhance rankings, increase SERP visibility and improve knowledge-based results such as Knowledge Panels, entity lists and AI Overviews.

Courtesy of Search Engine Land: News & Info About SEO, PPC, SEM, Search Engines & Search Marketing

Open for your exclusive SMX agenda preview

Written on September 25, 2024 at 6:03 am, by admin

Join some of the world’s most respected search marketing minds for the final SMX event of 2024 – online November 13-14 – for free. Together, you’ll explore the latest, most critical search marketing trends and head into 2025 with the skills you need to stay ahead of the competition:

Your free pass unlocks the complete program:

Since 2006, SMX has helped more than 200,000 search marketers from around the world achieve their professional goals. Now, it’s your turn. Grab your free pass now!

Courtesy of Search Engine Land: News & Info About SEO, PPC, SEM, Search Engines & Search Marketing

TikTok Search Ads Campaign launch in U.S.

Written on September 25, 2024 at 6:03 am, by admin

TikTok search

TikTok is taking a direct shot at Google with the launch of TikTok Search Ads Campaign in the U.S. Advertisers can now target users on its search results page.

Previously, ads on TikTok’s search page were more generic. But now brands can tailor their ads to align with specific search behaviors.

Why it matters. TikTok has a growing role as a search engine for younger users – 57% of users use the app’s search function, according to internal TikTok data. This new feature lets you capture attention at critical moments of intent. TikTok’s move could threaten Google’s dominance, as younger users are increasingly using social media for search instead of traditional engines.

What can be done. Brands can now tailor ads to match TikTok’s unique search behaviors, which often blend intent-driven and spontaneous discovery.

The numbers. TikTok’s testing shows that combining Search Ads with In-Feed Ads boosts conversions by 20%, with users who don’t engage with an ad initially more likely to interact after seeing a related search ad.

The big picture. TikTok’s search capabilities continue to evolve, positioning the platform as a real contender in the search advertising space, and giving advertisers a new way to reach users who are actively seeking specific content.

But. The impending U.S. TikTok ban, which is expected to occur in January, could severely limit any threat to Google’s search ad dominance.

Courtesy of Search Engine Land: News & Info About SEO, PPC, SEM, Search Engines & Search Marketing